Friday, February 1, 2008

a pleasant surprise

throughout today (and that means BEFORE i was told all busses to the states are canceled), i had that warm, fuzzy feeling... it feels like the people at work are becoming a sort of a family. i knew i enjoyed the work, but i never expected that i'd be able to have fun with the people there too. sure, there're math majors that don't understand variances are additive when you've got normally distributed variables, but that doesn't mean they can't be cool. i feel like i have really adopt the "work hard, play hard" mentally, and i know that people there are happy about (if not very impressed by) the kind of work that i do when i'm not chilling. they want to move me to a cubicle closer to them so we could all bug each other more often =P.

i really didn't think that i'd be able to open up like this -- being a child at work, getting excited about things... whether it be getting the forecast working or playing with a puzzle or kneeling on the tables so i could spy on people in the neighbouring cubicle, or even just that neat magnetic thing that my manager had...

i'm glad they're moving me, though... the guy that's in my neighbouring cubicle, he left today, and isn't going to come back for 3-4 months. he's a really nice guy -- he helped getting me in here (i.e. he interviewed me, with my supervisor), and we spent a good part of last few days just bugging each other. it's funny, when we said goodbye today, i felt sad... not unlike what i felt last month but of course, of lesser magnitude.
but anyways... it's all a pleasant surprise... not only do i enjoy the working hard... i'm also enjoying the playing hard =)

End of Entry


Boggled said...

dont understand that variances are addicted with normally distributed variables??? =P
bugging each other, awww =P

sooo awesome that u're enjoying work, really few ppl do that, esp w/ first job =P niiice

play hard all the way =P

Unknown said...

...additive. i.e. if you got 2 normally distributed vars and you're adding them, the variance of the sum is the sum of the variances.

Boggled said...

yawr we learned that =P
the formula anyway, never rlly got to HOW it worked XD

William said...

symptoms say you still have the mind of a high school girl =O

lol, i forgot all the NEW math stuff we learned T_T

William said...

um, lisa, work is work, play is play. they never mix.

Unknown said...

lilly: i don't know how to prove it either... and omg ro was asking me about 3rd-year stats stuff and some of it was P stuff... just wow -_-'

willy: depends on what you mean by that. i guess that's the surprise: i found it possible to have fun at work and be open with the people i work with

William said...

-shrugs- then you'll soon get fired =D

Boggled said...

my comment got deleted - too lazy to rewrite so... yawr

when work and play becomes one, then a joyous life is yours.

Steven said...

lol chau oh chau.

lisa. i must admit your picture freaked me out a bit. because you reminded me of a pirate i once saw.

but co-op sounds pretty awesome, i must say. i'd like it too, i think.

Boggled said...

i'm simply boggled at the content of university courses, sometimes. although i would never judge the science courses hahaha ... btw for ur program, do u take sci courses?

Steven said...

u might want to indicate who ur talking to =S