Tuesday, August 26, 2008

chipotle - the absolute best mexican food (unless anyone knows anywhere better)

I first tried Chipotle in NY because greg liked it, and because it is conveniently located between the train station and the greyhound station. We went back there every chance we had, because it really is amazing. I knew it was a chain store but I was really surprised to find that yes, they do have a store in Toronto! And yes, it is awesome! (So awesome that my mom, who after trying mexican food from all the mediocre places decided that she hates it, praised her burrito...)

So yes... pure awesome. I really can't believe it's a publicly traded company...

*is still high from her burrito*


(their web design sucks though - it looks like it hasn't loaded but you just have to mouse over on the Chipotle sign)

End of Entry


Boggled said...

what's the price range? and I see iz so far >.>

Steven said...

that actually does look awesome XD

Unknown said...

Xi: 7.52 + tax for any burrito, if I remember correctly.

Steven: it is totally awesome. and btw, YOU'RE BACK!!! =) how did it go?

Steven said...

still scrambling to survive. oh well. hope u get through ur work adjusting phase...welcome to corporate america XD