Thursday, September 11, 2008

absolutely bad -_-'

so this is probably the worst workterm for me. pray to that it's not going to get any worse than this.

retirement consulting is really a no go for me. i really thought i'd like it, and i really wanted to like it. but it's just too much government regulations, too many acrynoms, too much data entry, and too much reviewing before sending stuff to clients. the underlying problem, imo, is that there're too much details to learn and remember. and i just... don't care about that. what i really want to do is work that requires thinking: applying some sort of theory to solving interesting problems - doesn't even have to be complicated (heck, time series forecasting really isn't THAT complicated).

what i should really do now is focus on studying, do my work well but don't spend too much time worrying about it, and just learn to juggle the time... screw it if they hate me. and if i appear disinterested... well, it's because i am.

end of entry


Boggled said...

=( at least it rules something out - always helpful.

simply applying theory does not exist in the business world... a lot of things come into play. well maybe finance is the way to go XD

anyway, at least the pay is good. buy some shoes. it shud cheer u up.

haha, jk =P

Unknown said...

needing to use theory/experience to solve problems DOES exist EVERYWHERE...

but i guess in the business world, it takes too long to climb to that level so...

that's the end of me in the business world =P

Steven said...

lol, i never knew lisa lacked this kind of patience.
come to think of it, maybe i do too. hmm =\

Boggled said...

theory and experience are not slash-worthy =P

but yawr i s'pose
even in biz classes right now they're like - u shud apply theory, but u must be take into account a LOT of things that are not considered in the theory. and theory does not always work.

where can u go if not to biz?

Unknown said...

lots of places. for me the most likely one is of course academics. i'd love to be one of those OR profs that does consulting work for businesses... hehe...

yeah i know, that takes a lot of patience too, but the steps are much more fun

Boggled said...

I shudder at u =P

get a phd and pwn all those students hehe

but u dont need a phd, u can get a MBA, and work in industry for a while then become a prof that does biz consulting =P

best of both worlds. XD

Steven said...

um....MBA's cannot work in academics. tsk tsk....froshies. :P