Thursday, December 4, 2008

... and i thought canadians were better ...

I keep telling myself that I have an excuse for not knowing this sooner, but I really don't. My mom had to tell me today about the coalition government that's forming - supposedly due to Harper's lack of response to the economic crisis. I can't say Harper's government isn't stupid for tabling a bill that hurts the other three parties at a time like this, but WTF are the other three parties thinking??? Dion leading Canada when he was planning to step down in May? And Harper was elected dammit! And isn't a vote of non-confidence supposed to result in an election? Okay, so you can argue that coalition government w/out another election is constitutional: people voted for the oppositions as well, and that together they have more votes. Does that mean they can run around acting like children? Come on, it's just a political scam crap thing. They're after power. 30 billion stimulus plan? Throwing money at a problem caused by overspending? I'm not saying Harper is any better - that televised appearance thing is just... I wonder why he even bothered. His main argument was that coalition with a separatist government = BAD. Terrible argument, and proves that he is a hypocrite. I think our Governor General was very wise in allowing parliament to ajourn until after christmas, so that everyone can cool down a bit and think about how stupid they are.

End of Entry


Steven said...

1) love the new self-blurb, wished i thought of it first
2) i didn't know u offered political commentary
3) shit has really hit the fan this time, haha...i can't believe our elections are almost as undemocratic as some unscrupulous pseudo-democracy out in SE asia/-stan's pretty sad, but when can I say... and yes, the ad was not for intellectuals like was PR campaign harper threw out there for the dumb use public sentiment to save his own skin. we'll see if it works. but both sides are acting like complete assholes...i can't even tell who is the biggest douche right now.
4) lesson from this crisis: the people who designed our government structure purposely put in these loopholes to fuck us up. I knew it. to have the constitution allow for something as undemocratic as this to be even legitimate (which it is)
5) from my interpretation...the three parties went for a hail mary (under some populist econ bs) becuz harper stupidly pushed them into a corner w/ the party funding bill...and now they're stuck in an awkward position and can't pull their dick out after harper has agreed to table the bill yes, gj for GG for allowing the adjournment.
6) oops too much ranting

Unknown said...

1) haha beat you =P
2) i don't... but this is just pissed me off too much
3) did you call me an intellectual? *offended* i'm as stupid as everyone else! and i think people can find out very easily that harper tried to form a coalition w/the bloc's when martin had a minority gov... so his ad is ineffective regardless of whether he's right
4) awesome eh? maybe it's time to prepare for the worst. we're doomed.
5) yes, harper deserved a kick for not remembering that he's got a minority gov, meaning he shouldn't piss EVERYONE off. It does look like the three parties have been planning this for a while though... I find it very ugly that the top 3 liberal leadership candidates are all supporting Dion.
6) hehe

Boggled said...

wow guys... iz okay.
they know they're f'ed. and we (hopefully) know we're f'ed XD iz all good :: goes all hippie like ::

will see how it pans out XD

NullReferenceException said...

OH... what has this world gone to? -sigh-