I also found out that he's younger than Greg, and that with the old FB layout he would've been the guy with a 3-pgs-long profile....
That kind of tramatized me a bit. I mean I already know that I'm not going to like this term, but it gets me thinking: what if I looked him up before I accepted this position (or better yet, before I chose the office location)? I mean we all get told that employers sometimes look at our facebook profiles but - why couldn't it work both ways? Why couldn't we know a bit more about the kind of person that we're going to be stuck with for four months?
I honestly think I'm going to start doing this next term.
End of Entry
-remind self to check up on privacy settings again-
lol, great technique. cud use it to blackmail ur interviewer :P
lemme guess - just a bunch of pics of him getting shitfaced, right?
btw - can u see any photos of me? (other than profile)
no. but you gotta show me some recent ones soon...
i prefer surprises. don't u?
well, if they are pleasant surprises, i prefer them sooner rather than later =P
not really...and it's no longer a surprise when I have undercover moles that send me pictures of steven shitfaced on a friday evening =D
lisa: well u have no say in the timing of this decision anyhow :P
mr. drama: u almost got me scared there, except the fact is i got owned on saturday night, not friday. nice try.
mr. queens: the moles are still there and the pictures are still rolling in.
It is unbelievable that people judge others based on Facebook or other Interweb-based profiles. It is such an unfair evaluation and an inhumane action.
Unfortunately, us being the lowest of the lows, we have to comply with the authorities and censor our otherwise public information.
william - the reason i thought this would be a good idea is how indicative of his personality (or lack thereof) my manager's facebook profile was. the thing is - you CAN tell a lot about a person by their FB profile. is it fool proof? no. could it be a good indicator of how much of an ass the person you're going to be working with is going to be? probably.
oh and i love how you supported your claim so fully. you're really convincing.
lol...don't worry william, i can assure u i don't judge based on fb profiles...i judge u purely based on ur shoe color.
and for the record, ur shoe color tell me that ur a closet pedophile. hmmm....:P
unfair evaluation? please. it's called choice and consequences.
Well well well, I am not supporting my claims similar to you not supporting your claims. Haven't you notice the subtle implication?
lol william, u were never really that great w/ subtlety anyways XD
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