So the year 2009 started off terribly. Winter 09 was a disappointing term, and I quickly lost interest in everything. Luckily, life brought me to San Francisco in May-Aug 09. Working at Tagged doing programming was not something I was immediately comfortable with, but it definitely helped me grow. I finally learned that being afraid to be busy is not going to cut it, and went all out in Fall 09. I may have ridden on borrowed momentum (borrowed from... a certain person. You know who you are.), but that momentum sure helped me thoroughly enjoy this term. As for how I did in keeping my resolutions from last year, it's as you might expect. "Don't go nuts" was fine for the most part. "Don't be lazy" - not quite.
My resolution will change completely this year. In fact I have already done the switch. This new resolution is:
Focus on what's important.
It's simple, really. Focusing at the right "level" and looking at things the "right" way solves a lot problems. Not being lazy and not going nuts will be the consequences.
Actually, I need to add another resolution:
Declare major!
No comment on this one.
Let's end with notable moments in the past year, whatever I can remember: HSU Go Tournament, Waterloo Go Tournament, GEB, London Life and co-op drama, spring + winter trip to Rochester, Ghirardelli's / Pat's / Gelato / Tuk Tuk / Indian, hills across golden gate, a tuque, an epiphany that I'm supposed to have soon, the tactile dome, data center field trip, LA, pets gold/cash drama, jogging at the beach, balancing on the exercise ball, masala bay, the man that died in 95, sugar sammy, tutorial center, "Suppe mit nichts", collaborating using etherpad for cogsci exam ....
... and hopefully I'll have a tad more to add in the last 15 days of the year =)
End of Entry
suppe mit nicht? XD
here's the rest of the script:
hahah awesome =P you put a part of your skit onto the dinosaur comic? XD
masala bay - please say it's not the one in waterloo....
@boggled as you can see, yes.
@warbux it is... why?
that restaurant is not what I deem an indian restaurant.....
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