Sunday, October 19, 2008

what do you do when your fingers are burning?

Blog about it, of course!

So yesterday, I got two of what I thought was Jalapeno peppers. I never used Jalapeno peppers before, and I remember reading that they were supposed to be flavourful peppers that's low on the spice. I thought that was perfect for the pasta I wanted to make.

As I chopped away, the capsaicin got to me and I was coughing all the way. My roommate was laughing at my thinking that Jalapeno peppers not being hot. Okay, so I was wrong.

I started cooking. My roommate started coughing her lungs out also. I told her that I will not cook like this again.

And then, after eating some of my spicy pasta and doing some internet research, I realized that what I bought was probably Habanero peppers, something that's about 40x stronger than Jalapeno peppers. Jalapeno peppers were supposed to be green and elongated. Habanero peppers are bright orange, fat and wrinkly. I am also learning now, the hard way, that these peppers are not safe to handle by hand, and that the burning is likely to stay for the next few days.

(Yes I tried washing with oil and soap... it made it worse -_-'... I was touching it all the way while cooking and putting it in the pot...)

End of Entry


Steven said...

ur hilarious. and no, i don't expect u to reply to this. :P

Unknown said...

o but i would have anyways...

but yeah, the burning didn't last through the night, which was good.

Oliver Warbux said...

gotta try some of that pasta....

Unknown said...

it was pretty good. made my stomach warm when i ate it =P... habanaro peppers DO have pretty good flavours

Boggled said...

lolz they dont even look remotely similar T_T

Unknown said...

yes, i'm retarded.