Thursday, March 13, 2008

cross-country skiing

Lol, I really need to brag about this, even though it's 12 am and I need to pack and get ready for tomorrow.

I just came back from cross-country skiing with my coworker, his girlfriend, and their friend. It was a blast. I think my unicycling helped with the balancing, and we were pretty surprised that I only fell once (downhill and turn through a bridge and then uphill... so it's tricky). It was also pretty funny that on one of the steeper downhills, I basically "tobagganed" down all the way: they told me that I needed to keep my knees bent and keep the poles in front of me, so I ended up squatting down.

One of the better parts was the chalet at the end of the trail. It was really old-fashioned place with candles being the only sources of light. Wooden tables were scattered around the room packed with people. In the center there was a wood-burning kindaf thing (not quite a fireplace and not quite... arg, can't think right now). Apparently a lot of people drink there, or do fondu's there. I felt like I went right inside one of my story attempts, or even right into a scene in MM. Having been to the chalet, I would write those scenes I had written differently.

Alright, now I need to pack for T.



Boggled said...

niiiice =P MM reference!!!!!

haha it seems a lil downhill to me =P glad u had funnnnnz!!!

Boggled said...

also: u ended ur post w/ -Lisa

OMGZZZ =P what happened to End of Post XDD *scandal*

Unknown said...

they do have downhill at gatineau park, apparently.

yeah... i typed it fast, and it felt more like an email than anything else

NullReferenceException said...

To not be able to extract the full picture from MM at first...