Wednesday, April 30, 2008

last day today

Here's another LOOOOOOOOOOOONG entry. Have fun.

For the past few days I felt as if I was actually "attached" to my work place, the people, and... the work itself. I was still working by butt off today finishing up stuff, and well, I'll miss it. I'll miss Ottawa. I know, it's not a great awesome city but it's got its perks. You just have to know where to look for it. One place I almost missed was that playground close to my work place... went there this morning before breakfast - coworker wanted to take me out but the place wasn't open - and it was SO MUCH FUN. It has this really high structure made of rope that you could climb. (apparently it's a rope jungle gym)

But yeah, we went for dinner again. I sent them a 42 page report on the new forecast yesterday, and my supervisor's response was: "Reserve tomorrow lunch for us". I thought they wanted to rip it apart and make me do all these other things on my last day, but apparently they wanted to feed me again. (Last Thursday wasn't enough -_- .... then again my manager wasn't there that day...) But they were busy at lunch so dinner it was. (East Side Marios... place we went had VERY bad service)

Speaking of last Thursday, I was wrong in saying that the stupid mojito was the last drink I'll have. I actually like white wine - or at least, I liked that white wine that my director bought for everyone. What can I say? You can't turn down expensive wine offered to you by one of Trudeau's body guards xD. Then on Tues I thought I really should try red wine, and I hated it. I also don't like the effect alcohol has on me: it makes me more introverted, slightly depressed (well, it IS a depressant!), and extremely quiet. Not your typical response.

What can I say? I've done a lot in four months. Some of the things are key accomplishments... others just new experiences - some valuable, others not. What I haven't yet learned is not to look back so often and say these pointless things. I guess they aren't bad for blogs.

To be honest, co-op is going to make these 4-5 years go SO fast... if I don't think about it for a sec, it would totally surprise me that 8 months have passed. When I do think about everything that's been done in those 8 months, and think about how long it would take from one experience to the next and so on.... yeah, those were some really good 8 months.

At dinner today, I was really, really, really, really happy. The surprise was that I didn't feel the "attachement" at all. I was playing around with that idea... I was telling myself "Lisa, this is the last time you'll be here." Silence. Funny. I wonder if I've grown callous to this kind of thing. Meh.

End of Entry


Boggled said...

haha 42 pgs =P mostly graphs right?

and i thought alcohol is s'posed to make one rowdy? XD

weirdness XD

now I feel like eating junk food heheh

having fun in toronto?


Unknown said...

Yeah. Mostly screenshots and stuff that I should've taken out. But... my supervisor don't like things taken out so >_>"

Well, I guess it has different effects on different people.

Not really having fun in T. Just packing and stuff, that's all. Boy, I can't believe classes start in two days!!!

Boggled said...

I dont even want to think about school and I'm still in HS =(

-sadness- anyways once these two weeks go by, I'll be fine... I hope heheh

NullReferenceException said...

There are specific people who, under pressure from conventional reactions, consciously or subconsciously decide to choose a reaction that is contrary to the general reaction.