Sunday, June 15, 2008

22 hours

So there's about 22 hours till one of my two most important interviews (the other one's about... 5 hours after). I guess I'm more calm now, compared to when I first realized I was being interviewed... but still... I REALLY hope I don't screw up, and that I've learned enough keep myself good & focused.

That being said, I know that this opportunity isn't a ticket to 4 months of bliss. It WON'T be easy, and it WON'T be bliss. I will have to really learn to organize myself and be act like I'm actually mature, both at work and not. But I want it. I want it VERY badly. I want it with all the risks and challenges... all the things that I know I'm not 100% ready for and I'm still slightly apprehensive to face - because that's how I grow... doing things that I'm not 100% comfortable with or ready for =).

Now... will I succeed or fail? Either way - no regrets.

End of Entry


Boggled said...

you can't lose what you don't put in the middle... but you can't win much either. thaz my motto now XD

u ARE mature, k, liz? =P it's the first step to want something BADLY like that - desire is VERY important.

just give it ur all, and good luck!

i'm rooting for ya, hehe ^^

Unknown said...

you can't lose what you don't put in the middle... but you can't win much either. thaz my motto now XD

>> yes, i see that on gtalk...

u ARE mature, k, liz? =P

>> no. i'm just pretty good at pretending to be mature XD

it's the first step to want something BADLY like that - desire is VERY important.

>> haha, maybe. then again, i guess "mature" is relative...

just give it ur all, and good luck!

>> thank ya

Boggled said...

>> yes, i see that on gtalk...

- iz actually referring more to ur situation at the moment, but sure of course it's in gtalk... gtalk is my LIFE =D

>> no. i'm just pretty good at pretending to be mature XD

- pretense is a good skill =P

>> haha, maybe. then again, i guess "mature" is relative...

- so is everything.