Friday, June 20, 2008

Offer. Philadelphia.

"yeah, so you won"

I'm proud of myself.

It's great, seeing how the effort I put into last term and the term before is leading me to experiences that would otherwise have been impossible to attain, in many more ways that I can grasp.

Yes, I'm making myself see the connections - the studying - the act sci exams - the weekends spent learning forecasting - the time I almost cried in front of my supervisor, but somehow managed to tell myself to hold it off ....

I know, lol, that like I said, this isn't going to be bliss. I might still have some trouble, but it should be okay in the end. I also know that the work is not going to be easy, and it may not be my favourite kind of work. But it's okay.

It's... exactly what I wanted. I know - I said that about Ottawa, too - and I've said the same thing about studying at 'loo, now... - but next term will be even more of exactly what I wanted.

End of Entry


Boggled said...

iz falling to place =P like jigsaw XD anyway have fun and accept that offer =P

Steven said...

i can't believe you still post here -yawn- =P
oh right, congrats, haha

Unknown said...

because it's almost safe =P

but yeah i know... meh