Saturday, August 30, 2008

Hello from Philadelphia

I'm alive.

The building I'm living in used to be a factory building connected to some military building (which houses the front desk etc). Outside is a little ghetto - but it's on a main street, so it's safe enough (but one block in some directions => really shady place...). My office building is about 30-ish floors, and it looks like I'm on the 26th (or at least that's where they're having me going on the first day). Work is 25 min walk away. I don't know how long it'll take my subway, but definitely shorter. Philadelphia feels less claustrophobic than New York - less people, but also less anonymity. A lot more people smoke here - you see people walking around with cuban cigars everywhere. I'm still getting used to some people here with the southern accent. It just feels so... movie-like.

Oh yeah, there were people filming a bollywood film by the city hall. My dad really wanted to watch.

Point being... it'll probably work out. Work place is going to be really big and busy and all, with lots of stuff around it. When I get home it'll be nice and quiet and I'll be able to get stuff done.

And I do have my spray.... and it is legal here =P

End of entry


Boggled said...

haha awesomeness =) cuban cigars are expensive =P luxury items there... the office building desc reminds of NY for some reason. you'll have a great time =) and true independence will be tasted !!

wow bollywood... so random =P were they doing the dancing/singing bit or the pretend acting bit right before/after dancing/singing bit? XD

So many things legal in US =) luvvz it.

have fun!

NullReferenceException said...

Legal? What's legal o.o

Oliver Warbux said...

funny I read this now...Any chance you got a glimpse of who was on the set? =P

Unknown said...

you're talking to the wrong person... -_-'